Tuesday, June 17, 2008



忽然明白了,为什么会有朝三暮四,为什么会又有那么多的醉生梦死。有过爱的人千万别相信自己能够忘记曾经的 刻骨铭心,或者潇洒的一笑置之,因为,你不过是把一段感情隐藏得更加深沉而已。

直到你终于自己也控制不了自己的时候,可能在酒吧,可能独坐家中在寂寞如雪的某个季节,忽然就想起那个人, 感情不在压抑,眼泪不争气的掉了下来。

从什么时候开始,到什么时候结束;从什么时候牵手,到什么时候拥抱,却掉了眼泪?你无法控制,却可以争取。 当你得不到一个人的时候,唯一能做的就是不要忘记。

度过了多少个寂寞无眠的夜晚,你记挂的心开始安宁了,开始觉得世界蔚蓝依旧,开始觉得自己坚强得足够一个人 生活。奇怪当初为什么要如此痴迷一个人?而且是个与你生活在不同世界的人,浮生短暂,何苦何必 ?

但是,但是,直到有一天,你站在街角,一个熟悉的身影从身边掠过,从前的点点滴滴,那些所有美好的画面刹那 间全都回来了,你所有的自我保护并没有想象中的坚不可摧,而且是一击即破。你终于发现,原来时间并没有抹去 你忧伤的记忆,眼泪已经掉下来了,而且是不知不觉,一切自以为是都在转瞬间破灭。

匆匆一生遗忘了多少容颜,唯一没忘的,还是你的脸。这一次,我们才真正的、彻底的懂了,原来忘记一个人是需 要一辈子的。


Credits to blog.sin.com.cn(:


I suddenly realised why pining exists. When you've loved (and lost), never believe that you can forget everything that used to matter so much, or believe that you can get away with it with just a smile. Because what you're doing is merely hiding the affection, and concealing your feelings further.

But sometimes you can't control your emotions. Perhaps you were drowning your sorrows in wine. Or perhaps you could be sitting at home and reminiscing about the past. And you can't help but suddenly remember a certain person. And the more you start thinking, the more you're unable to suppress your emotions, and finally you break into tears.

You remember everything little thing from the start till the end; From when you first held hands, to when you first shared a hug, and finally shed a tear. You slowly realised that you can't be in control anymore, but you can seize every oppurtunity to keep this person in your memory, if you can no longer be together.

Countless lonely and sleepless nights have passed, and the heart that pines has finally decided to rest, believing that everything's gonna remain the same, and that you're perfectly capable of walking alone again. Suddenly it seems funny how you used to be so obsessed with that certain someone. That someone who was from a different world altogether, that someone who was never here to stay, that someone who was incapable of fulfilling your happily-ever-after. And you ask yourself why had you hurt yourself so. You laugh, and decide to move on.

But one day, you were standing in a corner of a street, just minding your own business, when a familiar countenance passes you. And in that brief moment, all your memories came flowing back, all the good and bad memories, displayed right before your eyes. Tears flowing down your cheeks, you realised that you haven't been as strong as you thought you would be. You were this fragile, this easily torn apart, and this simple to break again. And you think angrily about how time never really heals the wounds, erase the hurt, and wipes the memory.

There's so many faces I see everyday. And I could forget them all. But I can't forget yours, m'dear. My final realisation was that forgetting a person could take forever. So why bother forcing ourselves to forget that certain someone? Instead, seek to understand that what you've been through, will always stay as a treasured memory.


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